Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

Cooperations / Sponsors



Development of a scalable, distributed Combustion Management System (CMS)

Promoted by: Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy following a decision of the German Bundestag

EuronormEURONORMMarket launch services


Continuing education check - company - promotion of a continuing education measure (GMP)


Zentrales Innovations-  programm Mittelstand 

Support for technical innovation projects (CMS & LT4)


  Combustion Engineering Association

Membership in the CEA (Combustion Engineering Association) 

To the certificate

Joint development of a new generation of micro pellet stove technology, which distinguishes itself from previous products by low investment costs, a significantly reduced nominal heating capacity of 1 to 4 kWth, significantly reduced emissions in constant and transient operating phases and a lower sensitivity to changing wood pellet qualities.

BMEL - Bundesmninisterium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Collaborative projects: Emission reduction strategies for environmentally compatible combustion (UVV) based on current research results; Subproject 1: Theoretical and experimental investigations, coordination

 American Boiler Manufacturers Association

Membership of LAMTEC AMERICA INC. as Associate Member


EURONORM "Funded by: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology based on a resolution of the German Bundestag".

Development of a fail-safe lambda transmitter for the measurement of O2/CO values in safety-critical applications - LT4

Survey on research and development (R&D) 2023 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

LAMTEC is a central component of Germany's reporting on technological and innovative performance in Germany, the EU and the OECD. Scientists have the opportunity to analyze the R&D data for research purposes in an accredited research data center of the Stifterverband.
To the certificate