Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

AHR EXPO 2017 Las Vegas

LAMTEC America Inc. provides from 30 January - 01 February 2017 AHR EXPO in Las Vegas in the Central Hall - C5037.

Please feel free to visit the LAMTEC America booth  C5037 to see our newest products.
You will find a full range of state of the art burner control and electronic linkageless Burner Management Systems.
The LAMTEC range also includes our in-situ zirconia based flue gas probes and analyzers for measuring O2 & COe; these can be used in combination with LAMTEC Burner Management Systems for combustion optimization or as standalone systems.
You will also find optical as well as ionization flame detection systems and gas pilot burner equipment.
If you are interested in becoming a LAMTEC Representative please contact us at our booth  C5037 or use the information below.