Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

February 2004


The prize for innovation was awarded by the „Asue Arbeitsgemeinschaft für sparsamen und umweltfreundlichen Energieverbrauch e.V.“ for outstanding efforts to save energy and increase energy efficiency.

The monitoring and control/regulation of combustion processes is based mainly on measuring the 02 content in the off-gas with a λ probe. The solution developed by LAMTEC goes one step further: a zircon dioxide probe has been used to produce a combustion regulation system which uses the by-products of combustion as indicators of the quality of the combustion process for gas-fired furnaces. The 02 content of the off-gas is still measured but is only used for monitoring and display purposes.

Advantages associated with this solution include improved control, a clearly shorter response time, compensation for infiltrated air, better reliability, robustness, freedom from maintenance and additional energy savings.

With this solution, there is also no calibration or adjustment of the burner in a furnace because the system determines the optimum working point for combustion itself.

For more information see the German pages of the „ Arbeitsgemeinschaft für sparsamen und umweltfreundlichen Energieverbrauch e.V.

This awarded CO-control is realised with the world-famous company Jever.

Since that the Jever Company apply to a double purity regulation. Beside the “German beer purity regulations” the LAMTEC CO-control for gas firing systems provides the “purity regulations for gas firing systems”.

In the offprint from “EURO Heat&Power” November 2004 edition and in the offprint from “Brauwelt” You can read about this great success in full length.