Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

December 2020

LAMTEC Newsletter December

At the end of last year, we predicted that 2020 would be full of challenges, plans, tasks and surprises and that we looked forward to tackling them together with you. Who would have guessed the reality of 2020 and the unprecedented impact it has had on both our business and the personal lives of each and every one of us? 
This year has been dominated by Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2. It has not always been easy, but we have stuck together and made it through. For this very reason, a very big THANK YOU belongs to all our customers and partners for their loyalty, trust and good cooperation.
We look forward, with confidence, to a brighter future. The entire LAMTEC team wishes you a pleasant end to the year, if possible in the company of your loved ones, with many positive prospects and a large portion of health.
Happy holidays
Yours LAMTEC Team     Â­

The management would like to thank all employees for their commitment and reliability.
At the end of 2020, the following colleagues from Walldorf can look back on a round number of years of service:
5 years LAMTEC
Kögel, Lysann
Möllmer, Nicole
Pilic, Tobias
Hirsch, Stephan
Mazur, Maciej
Tsachoua, Yanik
10 years LAMTEC
Arnold, Jörg
Heger, Daniela
Hofmann, Jacqueline
20 years LAMTEC
Hammer, Dr. Frank
Wambsganß, Frank
35 years LAMTEC
Wieczorek, Michael
40 years LAMTEC
Weis, Jürgen