Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

May 2021

LAMTEC Newsletter May

Despite the 2020 pandemic, we had an abundance of participation in the LAMTEC customer survey. The customer surveys allow us to constantly improve based on your feedback. Many thanks for your criticism and praise.
Each year we have a prize draw, and this year the winner was Mr Simone Croin from Riello in Legnago (VR) in Italy. We normally give away an iPad or smartwatch but this time Mr Croin asked us to donate the equivalent value to the social institution "Associazione San Martino Onlus" in Legnago (VR). We were very happy to comply with this request.


More uncomplicated and faster product selection - that is our vision for our measurement systems. A first step is the restructuring of our gas sampling product portfolio.
Our future focus for gas extraction devices will be on three different types that are perfectly tailored to their respective applications (Figure 1). Names of the gas extraction devices have been standardized for simplification and are prefixed with GED for Gas Extraction Device. With these three GEDs the customer can be offered an individual and unique solution for applications from low-end to the most demanding requirements.

Figure 1: Comparison overview GEDs

GED ECO - GED ECO is the original of LAMTEC's GEDs and thus very well proven in practice for simple applications where flue gas temperatures up to 300°C and dust concentrations up to 100mg/m3 are not exceeded. The cost-efficient GED ECO can only be combined with our standard probe, the LS2 or KS1D with housing, and thus achieves protection class IP 42. Rational system combinations are LT3(-F) + KS1D with housing + GED ECO, for example in natural gas or light oil applications. GED ECO was previously known as MEV or flute.

GED BASE – Unlike GED ECO, the development of GED BASE was only made possible by our many years of field experience. It is our standard among the GEDs, with which most typical applications with exhaust gas temperatures up to 550°C and dust concentrations up to 200mg/m3 can be fulfilled. Our GED BASE can be combined with our new O2/NOx probe, the KS2DNOx, and our classic O2 or O2/COe probe, LS2/KS1D-HT. IP 65 protection is specified for all combinations. As a standard system, the combination of LT3(-F) + KS1D-HT + GED Base is most common in natural gas and oil applications. GED BASE was previously referred to as Light GED or GED, among others.

GED FLEX –GED FLEX can certainly be considered the flagship of our GEDs, as it was developed through many years of experience with our established flue gas bypass tube. It really deserves its surname FLEX, as it can be used for many different applications, from dusty flue gases to high-temperature applications. The insertion depth in the flue gas duct of the GED FLEX portfolio ranges from 250 mm up to 1,930 mm. GED FLEX can be variably aligned and adjusted to the duct diameter and the process with millimeter precision. Options for dedusting and ejector operation at low flue gas velocities are well thought out and can easily be expanded at any time. Our GED FLEX can be combined with our new O2/NOx probe, the KS2DNOx, and our classic O2 or O2/COe probes, LS2/KS1D-HT and LS2/KS1D-EX. IP 65 protection is specified for all combinations. The most common system combination is LT2 + KS1D-HT + GED FLEX in dusty, high temperature applications. The GED FLEX was previously sold as GET and is intended to completely replace the flue gas bypass tube entirely in the future.

Of course, we also offer special solutions for applications where the upper selection of GEDs may leave any open wishes. In general our so-called "real" insitu probes, which do not require any further GED, completely complement our portfolio.

If you need further information or assistance with product selection, please contact us at vertrieb(at)

IECEx certification according to Ex ec nC IIB+H2 T4 Gc for pilot burners GFI48, GFI70, GFI89
In addition to the ATEX certification (Equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres), the GFI range of pilot burners has been certified by KIWA to IECEx since September 2020 and can therefore be used worldwide in Hazardous Areas Ex-Zone 2. The pilot burners are used on industrial furnaces and firing systems for the safe and reliable ignition of main burners. The GFI pilot burners have been designed with robust aluminium housings, IP65 protection, the highest flame stability and modular design to meet all of our customers’ requirements.

NT1 transmitter in combination with KS2DNOX probe: New NOX and O2 measurement system to complete the LAMTEC measurement systems product portfolio.

In order to meet the constantly growing environmental requirements of industrial boilers and furnaces, LAMTEC sets new standards with our NOX measuring system NT1 in combination with the KS2DNOX probe.

All over the world NOX emissions cause acid rain and smog exactly where it is produced and thus is known to be harmful to health and environment. The environmental impact of NOX is therefore much faster detectable than other pollutants, such as CO, and will therefore become even more important in the future.

In usual LAMTEC quality, NT1 can be used today to meet requirements for NOX measurements and detections of tomorrow and to optimise firing systems.

NOx Transmitter NT1-Transmitter

[if gte vml 1]> NOx Transmitter NT1

NOX Transmitter NT1 for recording and processing data of KS2DNOX probe is the control center of the O2/NOX measurement system and has a modern 5.7' touch panel, which is used for setup and data reading. The NT1 can also be used to configure analogue and digital outputs as well as being used to intuitively configure data storage via USB storage media. The well-established LAMTEC SYSTEM BUS (LSB) allows the NT1 to communicate directly with other LAMTEC control and monitoring equipment and thus even makes O2 trim available. Depending on the selected NT1 version, up to four KS2DNOX probes can be connected to the NT1, for which up to eight analogue and 12 digital outputs are available.

O2/NOx probe KS2DNOx

Our KS2DNOX probe for the measurement of NOX and O2 flue gas components in furnaces is designed for highest accuracy in a stable device. A calibration port allows test gases to be used for simple calibration at any time even when plant is running. The special flange concept of the KS2DNOX probe can be combined with the two main LAMTEC Gas Extraction Devices, GED BASE and GED FLEX for in-situ measurement. Within a maximum heating time of 5 minutes, the probe is also ready for operation

Within a maximum heating time of 5 minutes, the probe is ready for operation very quickly. The KS2DNOX probe has an IP65 rating.

With our O2/NOX measurement system NT1 with KS2DNOX, we provide the customer with a system that can be used for NOX and O2 analysis in a modern, highly precise and robust way and is ideally suited for integration into other LAMTEC components.

The NT1 measuring system is available now.

If you are interested in the NT1 and the KSDNOx probe, please contact us at Vertrieb(at)
You can find the system overview for NT1 and KS2DNOx here.

...that our colleague, Mr Pupkov, took particular pleasure in packing our largest flow grid to date, with a diameter of 2.5 metres?