Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

March 2014

Exhibition: ISK Sodex 07. - 10. May 2014 Istanbul- Turkey

We provide in the German Pavilion Hall 5, C 21.

Come and visit us at the fair.
The ISK-SODEX 2014 is the exclusive forum for the HVAC & R industry in the Eurasian Region. It is THE essential showcase for modern and efficient heating and ventilation technologies as well as related products, services and technologies.

This year the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) are once again supporting a German group participation, giving several companies the platform to present their excellent products and to offer their renowned services to key players and decision makers from all over the Eurasian Region.

For more information look at Webpage ISK Sodex 2014.