Sensors and Systems for combustion technology

News Details

April 2011

SIL certificates

[The international standards define the Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
as a relative level of risk reduction provided by a safety function, or
a target level of risk reduction.
This level of risk reduction assesses electric and electronic
systems in relation to their safety functions.
The aim of these safety functions is mainly to protect users from
health risks, to protect the environment, and to protect goods from
Within the European Functional Safety standards four SILs are
defined, with SIL 4 being the most dependable and SIL 1 being the
least. A SIL is determined based on a number of quantitative
factors in combination with qualitative factors such as development
process and safety life cycle management.
The SIL theme has been given ever greater prominence in the
discussion on the market of combustion technology.
It is not necessary to confirm the SIL levels in order to comply
failure and error safety to the standards of the device directives,
but more and more often customers ask manufacturers of
combustion systems to deliver the proof of the SIL levels

Since the beginning of 2011 LAMTEC owns independent SIL
certificates for the following devices:

  • Brennersteuergeräte ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S /
  • Feuerungs-Management-System FMS
  • Verbund-Management-System VMS

Download more informations:
lamtec_news_SIL-32011-en_01.pdf(2.23 Mi)